
Product Operations Analyst

San Francisco, CA, 2014-2015
  • Led 401(k) payroll submission automation project, going from 0% to 60% automation in 2.5 months and scaling product from handling 180 companies and 1500 employees to 700 companies and 8000 employees
  • Wrote automation scripts in Python, reducing 401(k) Ops workload by 50%
  • Developed and deployed email change suggestion feature using Python/Django for IT provisioning product

Ivy Insiders Summer Management Program

Branch Manager & Instructor

Colorado Springs, CO, May - August 2011
  • Drove over $10,000 in revenue and $3,900 in branch profit for first-year branch, exercising extensive sales and marketing techniques.
  • Executed operations, marketing, sales, and instruction for Colorado Springs Ivy Insiders branch.
  • Gained expertise in P&L statements, sales and CRM tracking tools, and effective customer feedback response.
  • Increased students’ SAT scores on average 226 points and received average instructor rating of 3.91/4.00.

Wanbury Pharmaceuticals

Business Analyst Intern

Mumbai, India, June - August 2009
  • Presented analysis of domestic operations management to senior executives.
  • Evaluated progress of recently acquired company in Spain, Cantabria Pharma, towards increased market share.
  • Interviewed chief executives and members of the board of directors, gaining insight into management practices of those in the pharmacy industry.

Stanford University

Stanford, CA, September 2012 - March 2014
  • M.S. in Management Science & Engineering, 3.92 GPA
  • Course work: Entrepreneurial Mgmt. & Finance, Strategy in Tech-Based Companies, Human-Computer Interaction Design, Web Applications
  • Projects: Venture capital pitch at Sequoia Capital, Node.js mobile web app to find exercise partners, photo sharing application using Ruby on Rails

Duke University

Durham, NC, August 2008 - May 2012
  • B.S.E. cum laude in Biomedical Engineering, Minor in Markets & Management Studies, 3.7 GPA
  • Course work: Biology by Design, Entrepreneurship, Business in Tech-Based Companies
  • Projects: Designed and built a desk attachment for a child’s wheelchair, wrote business plan for a graduate student’s medical device idea

Technical Skills: Strong: JavaScript, Python, Node.js, Express, React, Redux, Angular, ES2015 (ES6), PostgreSQL, MongoDB, git, Grunt, Redis, Backbone.js, D3.js, Mocha, Chai, Ruby on Rails, HTML5/CSS3, C++, Java

Activities: Product Management Seminar Series, Engineering World Health, Basketball, Weight Lifting

Interests: Entrepreneurship, Web/Mobile Technology, Biotechnology, Health Sciences, Education, Travel